Square wants to show that Bitcoin mining can be scalable, profitable and at the same time sustainable. The planned system is operated with solar energy and the performance can be followed live. The US payment service Square wants to build…
Bitcoin slayers denounce an “ecological disaster” because mining cryptocurrencies requires enormous resources of electricity. So what is the carbon footprint of virtual currencies? According to a study by the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance, that of bitcoin, for example, is…
Bitcoin mining is often denounced as an environmental sin or an enormous waste of electricity. However, it is often overlooked that under the right circumstances and with the right provider it can actually do more good than harm to the…
Der Bergbau-Schwierigkeitsgrad von Bitcoin hat sich um 8,9% erhöht, da sich der Preis über 18.000 USD stabilisiert. Zunehmende Bergbauschwierigkeiten können zu erhöhten Transaktionskosten führen. Was ist Bergbauschwierigkeit? Proof-of-Work ermöglicht es Bergleuten, ein kryptografisches Problem zu lösen, das erhebliche Rechenleistung erfordert.…